I've been spotted....

.....we had a triathlon (well the bike section) go past out place this morning, so took 30 minutes out of the morning to try some panning.....out of about 30 + shots probably only a couple or three were any good. However, I'm not posting them tonight.....because I rather like the look I am getting from this athletic. A grimacing smile I'd call it.

Back to the panning....what is the secret?? Practise I guess and being able to judge the speed of the vehicle or bike. Must call on google . I was using TV mode, but possible I shouldn't have. This blip is using the 50mm but the panning trials was with my other lens .

We are now in Wellington.....have just come inside from having dinner outside, Wellington can turn on the heat (and no wind) woohoo. Canterbury this afternoon was just sizzling, the paddocks and roadsides are terribly brown and crisp. It was very hot as it is here in Wellington. A good flight north and lovely to see the kidlets again, just a little sooner than anticipated.

Thank you for your comments, hearts etc for my wild flowers yesterday. I haven't had any time to comment and I will be a bit absent from blip over the coming days.

Cheers, Rainie.

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