Lockdown Day 13
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
I was up before anyone else this morning so I took Murphy out by myself and it was lovely. I hardly saw a soul and I was happily surrounded by silence. I love everyone being around but pockets of quiet definitely recharge the batteries.
When The Prince took Murphy for a walk round the golf course this afternoon, he saw 3 (pre-school) children sitting in a bunker proudly looking at their newly built sandcastle surrounded by golf balls they had found.
Unfortunately he didn’t see them before Murphy who bounded over and started frantically digging up their sandcastle. Just to complete the carnage, he then picked up each golf ball one by one and then dropped it in disappointment at the lack of squeak. Covered in doggy drool.
Their mum was absolutely fine but (understandably) there were tears from the small people. Murphy was having so much fun that he had gone temporarily deaf and The Prince couldn’t get to him to put him on the lead because of social distancing.
Murphy knew. I bet he watches BBC news after we’re all in bed!
The Mini Princess made dinner tonight - EMP made cottage pie for the carnivores and YMP made mushroom ravioli (by hand). It was a joy being cooked for. Even if I did have to wipe down the cupboard doors and the walls after YMP had a small blending incident!
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