Come to me & play with me
I’m the babies’ flower;
Make a necklace gay with me,
Spend the whole long day with me,
Till the sunset hour.
from The Daisy Fairy - Cicely Barker
I shopped early for Mum, dropped it down to her, back home made up a flask of coffee then to the allotment. I planted a row of mixed flowers - nasturtium, Calendula (Pot Marigold), French marigold, cornflower, & Californian poppy. Emptied, & cleaned the garden shed, top dressed the fruit bushes with the 2 bags of well rotted horse poo that had been sitting in bags for the past 12 months, saving enough for the runner bean trench. :- )) Then decided I could probably get a row of veggies between 2 rows of young fruit bushes. I had enough seed for a full row of beetroot, & half a row of carrots. Gave them all a good soaking, there is the possibility of a shower overnight but just in case. Another full day on the plot. This lovely clump of daisies are on the path of my allotment neighbour, they always make me smile with their bright white petals and golden centres. The simple flower forms are often the best. I can remember making daisy chains as a child. :- )
Thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting Tiny Tuesday for April. Sorry I missed today's challenge 'Smaller than an egg', although it's white with a yellow centre, & smaller than an egg .. maybe I'm not way off after all.
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