I'm rather partial to a Cadbury's mini egg
Well it is Easter, does'nt feel like it. I bought a pack of hot cross buns from the Coop, think they must have mislaid the recipe. I toasted one for brekkers this a.m .. did'nt taste of anything, I counted 3 sultanas, 1 did'nt quite hit the spot so I gave the second one longer in the toaster. I don't know what I was thinking, it did'nt improve the bun at all. I was spoilt with the Special recipe, or whatever they called it, Hot Cross buns from Morrison's .. Now they were extremely good. Don't need to do that again until next year now although they will be on the shelf in the supermarket all year round. Why do they do that?? I'm a happy bunny really .... honest.
Early visit to the Coop ... tick!
Monday is laundry day .. tick!
Wonderful drop of rain overnight meant the allotment might be a bit mucky but Jim was up there, I grabbed the grass cuttings and headed up. I tidied the shed, & put a load of plastic pots in a large tub of water for soaking. I planted 3 fruit bushes, weeded the fruit bed, then removed the vicious blackberry, I've treated the stems twice with tree stump killer thinking that might work but today I decided to dig it out. What a brut! My right arm is still swollen & giving me a lot of pain so I had to be careful, I think I might have damaged it when I cleared the Tower Hill Hump with the mattock last week. I have'nt mentioned it to hubby ... I'd be banned from the allotment. Any excuse :- (( I turned the ground after,
then planted the gladioli corms. Gladioli 'Black Jack' & ???. I can't remember the variety. I plan to plant the fruit bush border with insect loving plants ... I've got seed for nigella, calendula, borage & cornflower, then I've got some dwarf buddleia grown from cuttings. Butterflies love the buddleia so I'll find a home for at least one on the plot. Quite a few people working their plots today, chatting, laughing sharing plans, such camaraderie. The sun shining, the birds busy,busy,busy, the resident cock pheasant making it's self heard. It's lovely to hear the banter. Jim rotivating his plot, the soil so friable, made me very jealous. He's an interesting chap to chat to. He's into restoring old cars, currently working on an MGB he's stripped down to have sprayed. He's bought an old walnut veneer dash or the car. He loves houseplants. He enjoys creating watercolours. We always find something to chat about. I like to pick his brain about what he's planting etc. We share young plants, last year I gave him a couple of butternut squash plants, I got a couple of courgette plants. I've bought seed for Squash 'Uchiki Kuri', Monty grew them up a framework, I might attempt that as well. I've also got Squash 'Patty Pan', & 'Mini Pop' sweetcorn. 2020 newbies.
It's the Masterchef semi-finals .. see ya!
Thanks to trisharooni for hosting Mono Monday - A favourite thing
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