Laurel Flower

Photographic output increasing this beautiful Spring as I am out daily with Basil, and there's so much to see. The tree blossom is stunning.

Walking down a narrow path bordered by laurel, the flowers are out. This is a double exposure once more, the first exposure lending a possible ethereal air to the shot in focus.

Followed Michael Lau's live video on camera metering. I hate to tell him but this live recording isn't altogether working. But it's nice to see him and his family and I expect he enjoys mates signing in.

As I had suspected, Bojo is in a much worse state than was being let on. So he got to have privileged access to a ventilator which we have learned he's not using, but he is being given oxygen.

STILL the media press the government and its advisors for information on how long the lockdown will last when it's patently obvious that we still have a long way to go. 786 deaths reported in the last day and we haven't reached the peak yet.

Camera club on Zoom tonight. At least my bluetooth headphones are working well. 

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