What's In A Name ?

My crazy 'handle" made up on the spur of the moment years ago is back today . The little case bought way back at Tchibo has been terrific for trundling shopping  ever since  a rucksack put my left shoulder out Today was fruit & veg day at Kladow . This shop which you see a small section of  inside and also outside , surpasses the supermarkets  and I even got a pack of kitchen roll  in here today ! Only 4 customers allowed in at any time. .Supermarkets here don't control . OK there is a bus ride but that I've explained and so far my way of using works ..All the fruit etc is free from plastic wrapping ...Saw Mr Remarkable and the crows which gave  a photographer some good images ...  
Walked 7712steps  ( 5.25km ) so far .Not much  for many of the sporty bliippers but having read the Orthopaedic specialist's   report received today it's a miracle .... 

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