
Funny how much your frame of reference can change in a such a short amount of time. I had to get in the car earlier this week to buy some wood and coal, and I was surprised by how much I'd missed driving. I had a sudden, powerful urge to go for a long drive (ideally to see the Minx!).

I can stand on the decking and look over the valley and it's odd that I can't just go out for a walk or a run whenever or as often as I fancy it. As someone who used to shop for food on a day to day basis, it's strange to be planning meals three days in advance and wondering whether I really need to go - or can justify going - to the shops. 

Today, I received a card in the post from a friend of mine, a chap I first met through Twitter, back in the days where it was an entertaining and invigorating place to be. It would have been a nice thing to receive at any time, I guess, but today it felt a lot more meaningful, like a hug from a distance, and it brought a lump to my throat. 

-9.9 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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