
By SpotsOfTime

Not since the 50’s

... and probably not even then ... John reckons he’s never known anything like it and we’ll never have the chance again if things return to ‘normal’.
John and I were able to have a catch up in the middle of the main road without being run over, or even seeing or hearing any cars on our respective cycle rides this evening. I had cycled down to the lake after work to get some more kindling and passed John having a ride out with his grandson (I’ve cropped it because I didn’t feel comfortable including him although John was very happy for me to take a picture ... I didn’t check with the dog).

I heard that one person in the village has died and another is in intensive care. And now Boris Johnson too. It feels rather ominous. I’ve been feeling he wasn’t right all along. It all seemed too familiar.

Just watching a programme about Du Fu who I am ashamed to admit I’d never heard of. Here’s one of his poems ...

I stand alone - Du Fu

A falcon hovers at the edge of the sky.
Two gulls drift slowly up the river.

Vulnerable while they ride the wind,
they coast and glide with ease.

Dew is heavy on the grass below,
the spider’s web is ready.

Heaven’s ways include the human:
among a thousand sorrows, I stand alone.

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