As Promised

I had a comment on my picture a couple of days ago of the new  Pieris  leaves opening and I promised I would take a picture of the flowers.
So here they are in all their glory.

Other news of the day …………….. I went to get some fresh produce from the store this morning and while I was standing in the (short) queue to get in the security guard letting people in on a one out-one in system disappeared for two or three minutes. He then came back out, walked down the queue past me and informed a woman and the man behind her (both of who had a trolley and socially distancing like everyone else) that they had both arrived in the same vehicle so were either both from the same household or failing to comply with the rules over social distancing and therefor only one of them was being allowed in.
I don't know if he had seen them arriving and had gone to check the security cameras or if he had been told by the security in the store, but either way ………… Good on you mate!

I spent some more time clearing an area in the garden until my back started squealing - which was perfect because the garden refuse bin is now full the to the gunwhales and it is due to be collected and emptied tomorrow.

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