Went to the park first thing this morning and spent most of the time lying in the middle of the daffodils chewing sticks! However I also had a lovely run about with a Golden Retriever and that wore me out.

I like having Ann around all day but to be honest I also like my sleep time. Us doggies don't really do very much do we. All we do is eat, sleep & go on walks. And occasionally play with our toys.

Ann has been very, very, unmotivated today. She hasn't achieved one single thing. The days just seem to be getting frittered away. It's been too windy to sit on the balcony and although the sun is shining now (5.45pm) it's too cold to sit out. Under normal circumstances I'd probably be getting an extra walk on such a lovely evening. However Ann doesn't really think she can justify doing that. I'm already getting two walks a day, which is obviously exceeding the one bit of exercise that humans are allowed per day, although Ann would argue that owning a dog in a 4th floor flat, requires 'essential' going out. After all I can't be expected to only go to the toilet once a day can I?

And in other news........................... We don't have any other news so that's it for today peeps.

#Staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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