Make some NOYZ!
Yesterday, at about 19:55, I checked my DIY shelf for some clappers and found these. Perfect!
At about 19:58 I opened my window and was unsurprised to see no other visible windows open, but was thrilled to hear the racket had already begun around the neighbourhood – someone was even doing fireworks!
Half an hour later I sent an SMS to them downstairs;
"The new percussion kit is seriously impacting my mental health, would you please, for the Love of God, use headphones"
Two minutes later, blissful silence, followed by another text from me -
"Thank you! :+) x x x " I've not heard another peep all day today.
It's two years today since I left the home I loved so much and I really wanted this to be a special, happy day.
Thankfully the IT dept. came to my rescue and have given me access to all the stuff necessary to do my job properly. Never mind the handicap of lack of screens, at least I can access my files and update the file-notes on my task-list. Joy!
Prior to that I was feeling like a mermaid in an egg-and-spoon race. Now, the scales have fallen from my legs.
I did take heed of all the wonderful advice I received from this beautiful community; showered, dressed, de-messed my hair, ate breakfast. Thank you all!
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