Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Our New Neighbour

Meet Mrs Swartbles, who has just moved in up the road.  She is a new mum to two very lively and disobedient youngsters, who are more interested in running off to make friends with the other kids (lambs, actually) than in obeying her commands to stay close till this stranger gets the message and goes home! Stay home! Haven't you got it yet?

Well, yes, but I had a legitimate reason to be out and about, having to go to the pharmacy to pick up my meds. Maybe coming back over the hill wasn't strictly necessary, but I'm glad we did. The farmer at Lantonhall was out ploughing : we saw a hare bounding over his newly-tilled field (it came through the hedge, saw us and turned back before I could get a shot), and two horses have arrived in the field on top of the hill. You'll no doubt be seeing them in the days to come, as our trips out contract.

I hope the local Cheviots and Blackfaces are welcoming our new resident - she's Dutch, I believe. The little ones seem to have been accepted already.

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