Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Practice Makes Perfect, Maybe

Like many, I made a mental list of things I could do to put  my time at home to good use.

Practising free motion quilting and embroidery was one that occurred to me. It's something I've never mastered and it would be useful skill to have. And it's quite addictive, drawing with needle and thread. If only I could control the speed/ direction better.

I know the answer is to just keep doing it - repetition. Which happens to be the Abstract Thursday challenge, thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.  I've faffed a lot with the colour - it's plain black and cream really. 

A long phone call to one of my co-grannies, stuck in deepest Devon for the duration; a singing session with the Thursday group; our weekly visit to the supermarket, and quite a lot of knitting. And so the day passed, and I forgot to take photographs. I will have to catch up with looking at journals tomorrow. I'm definitely operating at half-speed or less

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