ongoing tasks

My tasks today were the weekly supermarket shop and parcel-posting. The outside world looked much the same as it did last Thursday, except that I noticed fuel prices had fallen again. The Post Office/ScotMid had introduced a new rule of only 5 people in at any one time, which was a relief as it is hard to keep your distance in a small shop.

The queue outside Morrisons wasn't too long, and I even got some Duolingo done while I waited. The shelves seem to be well stocked now and I even got some gluten free bread flour :-)

I met a couple of friends in the car park/shop and it was nice to talk. I do miss talking to people face to face. Lots of my social organisations (choir, church, yoga) are linking up via Zoom, but I'm not sure that our internet would be up to the task.

D's job for today (and for many days past and future) was to divide up clumps of snowdrops and replant them in new bits of the garden. I joked that he would probably still be doing this in July.

Now it's time for my daily phone call to the parents and then I'll see how Sarah got on today - her 1st day nursing adult COVID patients (She’s usually on the Paediatric ICU).

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