Come Closer......but put your mask on???

This is a Geranium Budding. Its actually in The Boss’s garden on our deck and the first extra tonight is an overall view. You can pretty near forget the “Marco” lens with an iPhone which will focus 10 cm ( 4 inches for the non decimal’s ) and with a tad of cropping this is an example of what can be done.

TTTT. (Tiny Tussocks Terrific Tips)
There is an “operational” requirement here. You need to hold still as there is a considerable magnification factor and especially in lower light there can be camera err Iphone shake which can destroy the sharpness. Shoot a  keep your finger on the shutter for a short while and when viewed the iPhone will show you its choice which you can accept or chose yourself...This subject will be barked about later....
The second image in extras today is called “Soldier On” and is not from The Boss’s camera but the Lovely “M” NOT of 007 Fame... He thought it worth sharing as the theme seemed relative to the times.....


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