Faster than a speeding bullet.....

The Boss said we all had to get our shots today....
His was a bit boring at the local Med centre where I stayed in Suzz and looked out the window.
He had to get this 'Cos he had been on an Aeroplane....It was a "Flew" shot.
I never knew that flying was dangerous but you learn something every day.
Mine is my annual "Kennel Cough" thingie which is really silly 'Cos I have never had a kennel BUT BUT BUT the nice Vet ladies have treats Galore so I don't really care what they do.
The Boss wanted me to hold still for this...Is he kidding???
Todays extra is ""Job Sharing" with an Ausi couple .
The lady had the important part...She was holding the sign that said "Queenstown"  He just had his thumb out. 
Girls rule...OK

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