Lockdown: Day 8

A frustrating day but I did get an outdoor blip. 

I phoned the milkman to increase our order. Success on the second attempt. That should save me two shop visits during the week. 

Then I drove down the hill for a few things from Tesco and the chemist. The aisle I wanted most things from was closed off for shelf filling and customers had to ask for what they wanted. I only asked for the one essential item. Around the corner and Boots was closed until 10 o'clock. So home for half an hour then down again.

I thought the birds might get a decent feed today as there was no washing on next door's line at 8.00. Alas it went out soon after. Two items on the line ........ all day. But the tumble drier was hard at work this morning so why not dry those things in it too. Think she's trying to annoy me. 

Still trying to book a Sainsbury's click and collect slot as there's no chance of a home delivery one. I really don't want to shop in store at the moment.

A dry day with some sunshine. I liked this photo of catkins. There's not much blossom out yet around here. 

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