Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Terry 3, Tim 0

Played Racket Ball with Tim last night. Won 3 - 0. Come on Tim, you need to try harder. The fact that you didn't even take your fleece off tells me you weren't in the right place mentally and had little intention of trying to win.

Anyway, rather than trying to get an action shot of a game which is difficult to set up when you need to be in front of and behind the camera, I took a shot this morning of the ball on the racket with the court markings in the background and then overlayed the image of the racket head several times to create a sense of movement.

Message to self - take camera next time you play and get some pictures of other people playing. Just try not to look like a spying pervert (does anyone else worry about that when taking pictures of strangers?)

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