About to turn

By jMcLean

County Courthouse

Thank you so much everyone for the happy and encouraging congratulations for my 100th blip yesterday. I had no idea how hooked I'd get on Blip. So glad I found this wonderful community!

W. and I went into the old part of town for the first time in weeks. There were people about, enjoying the sunshine, but keeping a distance from each other. The day had been so gloomy, and it was a treat when the sun popped out and the fog burned off. 

The original courthouse (the current building is the third on this site) was built after Loudoun County was formed in 1757. It was split off from Fairfax County, with the intention of forming a local militia during the French and Indian War (part of the wider Seven Years' War). General Braddock and his troops had marched through here - actually up our hill - on their way to their terrible defeat at Fort Duquesne in 1755. Settlers fleeing violence in the Shenandoah Valley took refuge in western Loudoun.

The extras are some tulips found downtown and an evening shot looking across the road.

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