
By CharlotteJ

Temporary greenhouse

My dining room gets full sun from about 11am this time of year until sun set. I’ve started this years veggies, that I purchased well before the virus! Containers are bit make shift but they will do for now until I can plant out. The old veggie patch that’s not been used in years we finally dug’s taken a digger and good old physical digging to get it into shape. The veggie patch make over is going to be in progress for some weeks due to required supplies being delayed, for obvious
My veggie patch is not in response to events, it’s been in the planning for three years but certainly recent things have pushed me on a bit more!
A positive day and I would kindly like to say, I will not be taking part in scaremongering ‘chain letters’ on other social media platforms and kindly request people do not message me with such drivel.
Happy Sunday blippers

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