Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I've been craving roast chicken ever since getting back from India, just, unbelievably three weeks ago. I seemed to always miss my chance of buying one. The supermarkets never seemed to have any when I was in. I asked Ali to keep an eye out and last Sunday she phoned to say they had them in Tesco did I want one? Observing all sorts of social distancing, she delivered one to outside our house on Monday. I brought it in, cleaned off the packaging and put it in the fridge and tonight we had it for dinner. Oh it was soooooo good.
I always forget when I'm in India, even although I do eat well and enjoy the local food when I'm there, just how much I miss fairly simply prepared and straightforward food but I really do. Now, tonight we've had it roast, there is plenty left for sandwiches, with lots of salt on the white meat - one of the few things that I have salt on - perhaps a pie, or some fricassee, we can have some cold with a salad and then when it's almost finished, I'll boil it up to make some stock, add some onions, leeks and carrots for a tasty chicken soup. So much joy from one small chicken. Thank you Ali.
What else? Today was dreich again so we mostly stayed in, I cleaned out the fish who seem very grateful. I gave the kitchen surfaces an extra thorough clean. We drove to Tesco in the village to pick up a few things, it's so strange seeing closed shops and so few people about. The two Chinese take aways in the dip are closed but both the Indian one near us and the one in the village are still open.
Childcare for essential personnel has turned out not to be much use, available from 9am -3pm and in a school which is a mile in the opposite direction from that in which they have to go to get to work. Not really very much help when you are a doctor and you have to be in work from 8.30 to 5.30 - and that's when you are on a day shift. Thank goodness A will be able to help out. It's so frustrating, and sad not to be able to help out and be a part of the solution.
We watched another episode of Vera this evening, that's series 5 finished so plenty still to go. We are watching them interspersed with a few other favourites we've got recorded. Just as well, as there's not a lot I actually want to see on TV at the moment.
I suppose I should record that after Prince Charles tested positive at the start of the week, the Prime Minister today revealed that he too has the virus.

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