A walk in the woods

Today didn’t start well. I was awake at 4am and didn’t get back to sleep.

Then I went for a walk where I had quite an unpleasant encounter.

A couple had stopped in the lane near our house to talk to a man walking his dog. The dog and owner where on one side of the lane, the woman on the other and her companion was in the middle of the lane. I waited as I hoped the couple would stand together to give me 2 metres to pass but when they didn’t I said “Excuse me can I pass?”

Man - people are getting far too panicky about this.

Me - I’m working on the assumption I might unknowingly have the virus so I’d prefer to keep a distance in case I pass it on to you”

Man - harrumph harrumph loaf of nonsense, the virus isn’t here.

I walked passed. They stayed talking to the dog man. Further along I met Shona and we stayed on the same side but about 3 metres apart chatting. The couple appeared.

Man to Shona “Better keep your distance from her.” And walked on.

I was quite upset. Shona would have given me a hug if she could!

The rest of the walk was very nice, taking me onto the moor and back through the woods.

I’m reading a wonderful book called “The Road to Echo Spring” by Olivia Laing. Beautifully written about 5 writers including one of my favourites, Scott Fitzgerald, and their unfortunate relationship with alcohol.

Ps I’ve just heard it’s a blipbirthday.

And #2 daughter has just been on the phone. She’s been out on furlough, despite being so busy advising. Apparently the firm is spreading the pain over all departments as she is the most expensive in hers. She’s worked so hard and is distraught, as I am.

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