
By Houseonahill6

Raindrops keep falling on my head.

Hibernation day 5, Lock down day 2 .
A beautiful day even though it drizzled all day but perfect for being out in the garden and planting seeds. Luckily I bought a mini greenhouse a few weeks ago so I put it together ready to store all the peas, beans and leeks until it warms up abit.
The birds are welcoming the day with the dawn chorus. This Robin is seen around the garden and hope he , the blackbird or hedgehog gobble up the slugs that I found under one of the pots ! Spotted the first chiffchaff of the year although I have not heard it singing yet. There’s a horse in the extra too for those who love horses :)
Filled a few more hanging baskets with some Spring flowers, I really needed new ones as these are falling apart but they will have to do for this Summer. Spent all day outside.It was eerily quiet , no traffic sound, no dogs barking, no children’s voices, it felt like I was the only one around.
Mike finished decorating the upstairs office / bedroom. Just need to organise everything that’s in there.
My friend sent me a link to the ‘ Women’s land Army ‘ on Facebook all females planting and growing veg many for the first time , lots of tips and info so will enjoy looking at that.

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