
By zippyhippy

Snowy Day!

So the snow finally arrived today. I must say that it is weird to have snow here. Having seen so many news reports about snow over the last week, I had convinced myself that it would bypass us totally. Enjoyed my run to work on Miranda but it was a tough ride home, had to get off to push her up the big hill. I couldn't get any traction into the back wheel and she started skidding about everywhere. The bonus was that I got to snap a few nice pictures of her in the snow!

Rode out the inaugural Friday 1730 RPM class tonight. Really happy to have this on the timetable now. The strange thing is that it seems to be attractive to the same people that participate in the Early Morning Classes. Also was really good to see my friend Caralyn at the class. Been near on 25 years since I last saw her. So nice to have her in the RPM peleton. Think that slowly but surely we will convert all my ex school friends to RPM :)

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