
By sislesait

Sophie Loaf

The best thing to do on a dark, rainy, dreary day? Napping! Unfortunately, no nap time for me today. So far my business has not been affected by COVID-19 and it’s been work as usual for me. However, there have been some distractions thanks to Willy being off from his job. This morning he startled me so bad my vision started going black and I almost passed out.

I transcribe recorded interviews, so when I have my headphones on, I can’t hear very much outside of what I’m listening to, especially when I’m in the “zone.” Willy has startled me so many times in the past by coming in my office and standing next to me, that now whenever he’s home I’m constantly checking over my shoulder. Well today one of the times I looked over my shoulder there he was. I jumped almost out of my chair and screamed. He said he wished he had been videoing but he was just coming in to ask a question and wasn’t trying to scare me. Alison suggested I start closing my office door and even locking it when he’s here.

Meanwhile the cases of COVID-19 continue to escalate with 100 more cases reported in Virginia in the past 24 hours for a total of 391 cases with a total of 9 deaths. I hope the day will come soon when the numbers start decreasing.

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