Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Taking my eyes to town

I was up way too early, anxious to be on time for my eye test. My Eye & Ear appointment, due on Friday, was cancelled. This was meant to be the follow-up after my second cataract procedure, but a letter in today's post re-scheduled it for 29th May instead.

In fairness, one of the E&E out-patient doctors phoned on Monday and asked me if I had any issues. I did, and she gave be some advice to deal with my concerns. It was just as well, though that I went ahead and made a Specsavers appointment. They couldn't have been better. I opted for a test plus, which consisted of a complete eye exam which was probably more detailed than I would have got in the hospital. The optician was wonderful, spent ages with me, showed me lots of graphs on his computer ('It's good to see all that green', he said) and generally reassured me by giving solid advice for dealing with my post-op concerns.

In terms of the end product, I will collect two new pair of glasses tomorrow, one without prescription for distant vision and the other with prescription lenses for reading, using my phone and working on the computer. The Social Welfare bit was good too, with both pairs provided free of charge. The basic test was free also, so my only payment was for the super test and the filling in of an eye test report form which I need for my driving licence renewal — for the first time ever, I'm stating that I don't need to wear glasses while driving.

It was a lovely sunny morning but I was feeling a bit tired and caught a couple of shots on the way back to the car. I spotted this (quite tacky) window decoration in the window of the Tourist Office on the corner of Henry Street and O'Connell Street.

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