Observations in time

By walkingwummin

Special people

First day of lockdown and thought it time to return to Blip to record some of our staying at home time.

Although I need to clear out some cupboards it was when making room for paper towels that I found a wee pile of assorted items which made me pause and think.

There is a letter from my brother, written a few months after my father died in 1968. His old typewriter looks a bit ropy and my mum had written two letters to his one reply. He died in 2004, having always been rubbish at communicating but he refers to our holiday home on the river Clyde where we spent every happy holiday as a family. My father’s collar stud was also in this pile and this is a very personal item he would have used every day to attach his collar to his shirt. My gran’s watch bracelet reminds me of her warm, loving strong character and the button card is typical of my lovely mum. She would have cut this piece of card and hand sewn the buttons on to keep them safe. They were probably for my dad’s shirts. She was very precise and a fantastic seamstress, making all my clothes virtually until I left home.
These little items encapsulate my young life, my loving family and every person who loved me and moulded me into the person I am today.
There are still plenty of cupboards to clear out but we had a gorgeous walk in the sunshine and I was able to start on the garden at last. Plenty to be getting on with-oh and I joined Gareth Malone for his online stay at home choir-great stuff!

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