
By Houseonahill6

Red sky in the morning shepherds warning, day 3

A wonderful sunrise this morning and was up early to capture it.
Mike had phone calls to do. I was gong to make up some seed packets and activity boxes to deliver to the Brownies doorsteps but decided it was best not to take any risks at the moment and will leave it till after the 12 weeks, or more are over.
I shall have to plant out the beans, peas and leeks at home, I shall have to hunt around the garden for some pots etc.Wish I had bought more when I was in the garden centre or B&Q l last.Had an email from the Allotment committee ( I have not been to the plot yet as it has been so cold and wet, this week was going to be the first visit to start digging it over ) it said that the weeds were under control on the plot which is a relieve.I had emailed them last week to see if any new rules had been put in place, yes, keep your distance from others and a bowl of soapy water had been put in the shed to wash any tools that you borrowed.Unfortunately with Lock down being announced tonight I think it will be a while before I’ll be down .
Yes, Boris addressed the country at 8.30pm tonight to say , clearly, Stay in your homes,
We all knew it was coming despite the Prime Minster saying just a few days ago that London would not go into Lock down and when he looked puzzled by one of the journalists questions about police being involved, I think it will take a while longer than twelve weeks to ‘send this virus packing ‘ !
Good to hear that the masks and protective clothing is now arriving for our Doctors and Nurses, shocking that it’s taken so long !
We had planned to stay indoors for the next 12 weeks anyway, just waiting for the ‘letter’ to arrive. We had not stock piled but have enough for a few weeks and possibly more if we stretch it out :) Just hope my Mum and Dad get their delivery tomorrow ! Will there still be newspapers, will the bins be collected, will there be post ? We’ll wait and see.
Stay safe :)

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