The end of the road

Lockdown Day 1

Unfortunately I’m still having to go into work, but hopefully after Boris’ lockdown speech tonight that might change.  I’m going to talk to them tomorrow as I’m starting to feel at risk and in light of the fact that I’ve had cancer, chemotherapy and radiotherapy my immune system probably isn’t as it should be.  On top if that I have mild asthma, so I think I have a good case for working from home.

Talking of which, if any of you are asthma sufferers or have COPD, are you aware that you can get a rescue pack from your GP?  I contacted my doctor’s surgery today and I can collect my pack which is a 5 day course of corticosteroids and antibiotics to be taken immediately if you develop breathing issues.

On the way home from work I had to call at the pharmacy and they were operating a one out, one in policy with a maximum of two people at a time inside.  The queue was outside and everyone respected the required distancing measures.  I was about 30 minutes in the queue but didn’t mind as it was much better than everyone being squashed inside.

As I got back to the car I noticed an orange glow through the trees and luckily I had my camera with me.

So now we’re not allowed to leave the house except for essential shopping, one form of daily exercise, a medical need and travelling to and from work if absolutely necessary.  It’s about time too but I still think these measures should have been out in place sooner.

Today was Catherine’s funeral but David cancelled the wake due to the Coronavirus and instead will hold a memorial service when it’s safe to do so.  Instead of flowers he asked for donations which would be split between the East Cheshire Hospice where she spent her last hours, and the new Christy Hospital that’s being built.  I couldn’t go to the funeral but tonight Alan and I have sent a donation.

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