Daffodils, village in the background

Turns out yesterday had been as busy as a bank holiday in the village. People making the most of country air before the lock down.

I spent ages on FaceTime with Ailie in NZ. She has decided to stay there - no flights home anyway. She’s so impressed with their govt and PM. They might get it under control having dealt with things decisively early. Unlike our PM. I hear Nicola in Scotland is trying to take steps and os closing all shops apart from food and pharmacy. Because we are only testing those in hospital- and you have to be very ill to be there - we have no idea how or where we are.

Ella and a Nathaniel did RE today at home. They talked about whether God was real, and made arguments for yes or no. Ella might be taking after her aunt the lawyer. Under YES she said “Scientists haven’t proved he’s not”. And under NO she wrote “Scientists haven’t proved he is”!

I had a lovely walk today, just me as Mr C was in the garden. I lost my “opening gates” gloves which had fallen from my pocket, so got a much longer walk as I went back to find them. Some people are slow learners - the same thing happened on Saturday. I might have got the point.

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