Social distancing

We had thought of taking a walk in an adjoining valley with friends but she has a tickly cough so is staying at home for 2 weeks. We decided just to walk up on the moor (which we can reach from the garden) , early and I’m so glad we did as it got quite busy. Everybody kept at a distance. This is Shona and Rob, friends from along the road who only a few weeks ago were playing mahjong with us. We stopped for a chat at a distance. Rob has two younger relatives in the south who have the virus. As the government has decreed only those in hospital get tested, they have not been confirmed but as they are so poorly and one is struggling to breath, it obviously is.

I wanted to post the pic of my daughters and me on Mother’s Day WhatsApp but it is too low res for Blip. It was a lovely treat to see the children too. #2’s husband was working at the hospital so no treats for her, but Ella and Nathaniel made toast with lots of butter and jam for both parents. After last year they know they don’t poke the toaster with a knife if the toast gets stuck!

It’s a wonderfully sunny day but locals are getting upset as the car parks for Simonside are fuller than they have ever been and droves of people are heading up the hill. They are also apparently stripping the shelves in the co-op. Some people must have spare rooms full of food! So I’m glad we didn’t go to the next valley.

After our walk my foot is very sore so I’m sorting old photos to illustrate my Life and Times book. I can’t find my mum’s old album though as I wanted the photo of their old car which had no roof and a horn outside the car. It dates from about 1924.

Like many of you, I’m so glad to have Blip friends, but I’m trying not to be on-line too much, and especially not at night. Last night I had a horrible dream of people drowning and the rescuers being almost at the shore then a big wave sweeps them away. Doesn’t take Freud to work that one out.

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