Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


another emotional roller coaster of a day!  Spent at home of course!  Just heard a few minutes ago that Emirates are suspending all passenger flights from Wednesday - I should be in UK on Tuesday!  Incredible days we are living in.

Its hard to say bye when you don't know when or if you will come back!  Its hard to say bye when you have to keep a social distance from people and in this culture where hand shaking is so important!  We have another case of Covid-19 in Zambia today and in South Africa its escalating.  Its also hard to go to stay with family when you know you could also be bringing them an unwanted gift!

I hope you all keep safe wherever you are all over the globe.  I may not blip tomorrow but hopefully when I reach my destination!  Keep me in your prayers!!

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