Allotment life

Very sad not to be spending time with my girls today but getting down to the allotment for a bit more post flood cleaning up was good.
I took my PPE (a pair of Marigolds) for opening and closing the gates along with some Fairy liquid so I could give them a good wash before I took them off. Then it was a drastic prune of the Loganberries and digging another of the raised beds over and levelling it. Mr EAnn cleared more silt off the paths. Measured up for raised bed repairs and planted some potatoes (the ones that were left over in a paper bag from last year’s crop and had chitted while we weren’t looking).
It occurred to me while we were down there that our fellow allotmenteers were working hard on the clear up when they should have been preparing for the new season’s planting. All very hard work but I’m sure we will reap the rewards.
This is the plum tree. The pear is not far behind. Mr EAnn is going to cook duck legs for a Mother’s Day dinner. It was practically all they had left on Friday afternoon. Silver linings.

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