Going too fast

By palindromonida

Spring Equinox

The daffodils looked beautiful on my way down the road home from my run. I love Spring Equinox, there is so much potential and beauty in the promise of warmer times to come. The symmetry of the day also appeals to me.

It was very quiet going up Nessit Hill, but there were a lot of people down near the Ranger Station and parked around Ridgegate. It is hardly surprising as people feel the need to get out, get fresh air and sunshine. The National Trust has shut all their houses but made their gardens and parkland free to enter. I believe they were all very busy. There was some grumbling in the village about the numbers of cars making it seem like Christmas Tree sales time, but without the trees on top of cars. I have mixed feelings, I am glad that people are getting out, but it makes social isolation much more difficult. The UK is not stopping the spread with current restrictions, but confining us all to our own land is going to be difficult and inevitably lead to a deterioration in people's mental health.

When I got home Guy and Joe were on with making me a cake for tomorrow (Mothers' Day). We had no caster sugar, infact the only sugar we had (apart form enough granulated to keep the roofers going next week) was brown. I advised creaming the butter and sugar really well before adding the rest of the ingredients. Let's see how it turns out tomorrow.

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