Birdlife on Taylor Dam
True to her word, the Mistress took me back up to Taylor Dam this afternoon, after all the chores had been done. The mission was to test out my backup 75-300mm Lens. Mission accomplished - and it's now the main 75-300mm lens not the back up one anymore.
The one the Mistress has just retired was used on her old film camera - the Canon EOS 500N. It came as a kit lens way back in the early 1990s at least 20 years ago. It was sharp as tack on both the film camera and her old 20D, but on the 7D, it wasn't that good and she had noticed a deterioration in image quality - particularly noise levels, especially in the longer focal ranges, although that was slowly creeping into the lower focal ranges as well.
She blamed me for months and months - swore black and blue it was the 7D! Me! The exercise today proved it wasn't! Ha!
The Mistress decided to do a collage of some of the various birdlife and different focal points for Blip. Top left was 90mm, top right 170mm, bottom left 300mm and bottom right 205mm. Very little noise. All at 800 ISO. Mistress is Rapt!
Duck in a flap, Australasian Coot, Noisy Duck & Cygnet with Water drop!
We also bumped into fellow camera club blippers on the dam today too - Rickstar228 and Barwe
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