
As I looked out of the window this morning, the countryside was covered in a fine mist and the rain fell gently.  Working from home has its advantages.  Whilst I would normally be driving, today I sat looking out over the garden, drinking a cup of tea and watching the birds on the feeder.  The sparrows were busy eating and chattering away which was such a happy sight to see.  I find these moments of calm at the beginning and end of days so valuable.

Today things felt more normal, less trying to regroup and organise things and more getting on with my usual work tasks and a few relaxing walks in the village.  I know things are far from normal but it is important to ensure there are some familiar reassuring things in our days.  

I spoke to my sister who was concerned about how my niece and nephew would  cope without seeing their friends for weeks, possibly months and without their school teaching and weekly out of school activities.  She has a plan to structure their days and take the opportunity to teach them some things they might not otherwise learn, and hopefully the schools will get themselves organised to be able to send work home.  Nonetheless, it is going to be challenging for so many children, parents and teachers.

As I walked through the village, I saw this note on the gate of the church yard.  It feels almost unbelievable to say that all services are cancelled for the time being but so important that in the heart of our community people are still being welcomed in to a place of shelter and calm to seek comfort and reassurance.

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