
Every cloud has a silver lining- Edinburgh has been restored to factory settings by the impact of Coronavirus and is back to my old familiar city, free of hordes of visitors crowding the pavements and case pullers tripping people up.

This morning I did a wonderful stress free circular route march taking in George IVth Bridge, Princes Street and Lothian Road untrammelled by people. Sheer bliss. No tourists were polishing Greyfriar’s Bobby’s nose, there were no Japanese tourists taking selfies in front of the Elephant House where they think the Harry Potter books were written and there were absolutely no visitors toiling up the High Street to the Castle and crowding round the tat shops. I have put on 2 extra photos as proof.

It was a beautiful day and had it been 10° warmer I might have considered reading my paper outside, but it was warmer behind the glass.

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