
I met Linda by the river and we walked along it, up through the NT property Cragside, then round the moor, keeping around 2 metres apart. We only met 2 couples on the 10km walk, both respectfully and sensibly keeping their distance. It’s a bit like Brexit - two camps of people, one taking this very seriously and responsibly and the other still being casual and saying it’s scaremongering.

#2 daughter’s life is fraught. How can she talk to clients and look after two small boys? Her husband is NHS and has Type 1 diabetes but is going to work.

#3 daughter is sticking to Ella’s home schooling timetable. History didn’t go too well. Apparently they should be doing the Victorians. Ella drew a picture of a factory with a belching chimney and Queen Victoria falling off her throne. The caption was “Queen dead from pollution”. I love her sense of black humour. It’s a family trait. Exercise today for them was cleaning the trampoline ready for use. They have written letters and cards to their friends and made masks in art. It all sounds very positive and fun.

We are making plans to walk every day to see friends while we can. Keeping 2 metres apart will be a strain for Mr C as he is - whisper it! - a bit deaf. He won’t hear of it.

Oh dear. Stop it.

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