Family Dog

By Family_Dog

soup's you, sir.

A freezing day round the Family Dog's way today. Soup was required.

Arlo peeled some carrots, topped and tailed them and chopped up some tatties. He put the flame on the ring, poured olive oil into the pat, stirred the onions. He added the lentils, poured in his chopped up veg, cut up the stock cubes and added them and then added a whole jug of water. He even put the lid on before declaring he didn't really fancy soup after all.

Fair enough. I had some for my lunch - it was delicious. He then had a big bowl for tea. I told him nobody in the world made soup better than his Mummy's (forgetting he'd made it) and he smiled wisely at me and said 'Well, I do Mummy'.

Confidence eh?

On another note, he told me today that it was 'Robbit Buns' day at nursery. ROBBIT BUNS!!!!!!!! Honestly, I must have asked him to say it about 100 times today. They had haggis for snack and they had some poems read out to them. When I asked him which poems they had he said 'a rubbish one about a mouse'. Shocking - I won the Rabbie Burns award in Primary 5 for my rendition of Ode to a Mouse. I was the only person in the competition but still.....I won it fair and square.

Got my own Robbit Buns night to go to tomorrow night round at my lovely pal Cat's. That is, if the snow doesn't stop my Mum coming to pick up the bairns to whisk them away for the weekend.

Damn you snow. You're never there when I want you and always there when I don't. Grrrrrrr *shakes fist at imaginery snow drifts*

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