Family Dog

By Family_Dog


Number 2 in my Things I Love series. A totally disorganised, random and whimsical look at things I love (feel free to join in, by the way!)

I am yet to find anybody (if you're out there, let me know) who actively DISLIKES the sky. I'm not saying 'I love the sky' to be all interesting, philisophical and you know, like trying to get you to fancy me, or anything. Honest.

I love the sky because, well - it's always up to stuff. You can always see something great in the sky. Clouds, birds, weather rolling in. Rainbows! Stars. Okay I'm starting to sound slightly insane now. Let's wind it back a bit.

I love the sky because it never stays the same for long. There's a certain comfort in the changes that come with it. As the unfortunate parents of a Very Early Riser we see a lot of the sky when it's that thick, dark 'Hello, I'm Still Night Time' sky.

It's so dense it feels like it's never going to lighten again. And a little chink between the clouds, there appears the tiniest sliver of light and by the time you've gone to get the kids their breakfast and come back to the window, daylight is tip-toeing back for another day.

Skies like the one this morning (the blip, obviously) are such a joy because of that dense one we've sat under for 2 hours waiting for the real morning to begin. All of a sudden you look out the window and you see this!

A total joy and a wonderful reminder that you're part of a universe. A UNIVERSE! When you are forced to remember things like that by the sky, you know you better do something good with your day.

What did you do with your day under the sky? I went to work. But I did had a lovely salad at lunchtime. See? It's about LIVING IN THE NOW!!!

Honestly? What the hell am I going on about. Why do you read this blip? You're more mad than I am.

(I think we can all agree. Brian Cox, I aint)

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