
By HareBrain


Its been a blipless day - all work and no play, makes Jack (and HareBrain) a dull boy, girl, mature lady, but there was an upside to the day and that was the improvement in the weather. Lovely blue skies in the afternoon and a slight increase in temperature. So much so that T was able to take his model airplanes for a fly. Not the same as getting in the air himself, but a pleasant second best after being grounded for a while.

As my blip name implies you will no doubt gather that I am mad about hares: Hares of all kinds; from all parts of the world, their origins, their history and the folklore which surrounds them; and T calls me, amongst other things, as 'mad as a March one'.

To see Hares in the wild on a daily basis would be my ideal, but where I live they are becoming more and more rare, so until I can get to Norfolk in March or other areas where I might see them, I have to be content with my books, my pottery, my paintings and drawings (by others) and today, my mug, which was taken with the help from LittlePhoto on my phone.

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