
The weather was rainy and much cooler than in recent days. However we weren’t deterred from exploring on my last full day in Buenos Aires and it was as good a day as a rainy one can be. It also transitioned me well towards UK Spring weather.

We walked in the rain to the Floralis Genérica, a huge aluminum sculpture of a flower in the Plaza Naciones Unidas. We stopped by the shuttered gates of Recoleta Cemetery and Erlyn posed in the rain. We went shopping to use up my pesos and we visited an excellent bookshop known as the Ateneo Grand Splendid, which occupies a venue which is very...grand and splendid. We sampled some Colombian food at a restaurant Erlyn frequents when he’s missing the taste of home and we revisited the açãi store for a final fill, although anticipating withdrawal and a fun-starved visit to a dystopian UK, I did research on where it’s possible to find açãi in London.

During one of our bus rides I sneezed, a woman eyed me suspiciously and then moved seats. I don’t think sneezing is even listed as an official symptom of coronavirus (it’s associated with the common cold) but any hint in public of a sniffle or snot will now condemn you as a social pariah.

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