Snow remnants

I open up the polytunnel and barrow in manure. It has been sitting outside under a tarp for several years and needs to be moved. It’s wet and heavy. Weeds have grown through the tarp at the edges. Hard work, which takes it out of me.

Then I get the tractor going. Exchange the link box for the flail mower. Take tarps down to the bins - as well as a mix of ash, nails, and broken glass from a party fire years ago.

To Mike’s, to fix his internet. Router replacement. Biggest problem was guessing what his DSL password was. Spoiler: not very secure.

I train it to Glasgow and meet up with Megan. It’s odd that Glasgow is busy while the news talks about whole countries shutting down. We eat at Stereo and go to Olga Koch’s comedy show at the Old Hairdressers. Funny, but maybe not for me.

I should probably have stayed isolated at home. I have tickets to see Fern Brady back in Glasgow tomorrow. I reckon I’ll pass on that.

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