Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Frank Turner

With no clear guidance from the government on what we should be doing regarding public gatherings amidst the Covid-19 outbreak, we decided to attend the gig we had tickets for.

Fantastic gig at the Barrowlands Ballroom in Glasgow this evening. G drove us through and we met K for dinner at Slouch beforehand. K and I have been eating dinner there before gigs most times we go through to Glasgow. It was only today, as we were sorting the gig tickets as they brought the bill that we learnt they give a discount to anyone going to live music or theatre events!

Frank Turner as always was brilliant. The venue felt emptier than normal but that might have been because rather than cramming close to the front, not caring if you were jostled up against your neighbouring attendees, everyone was maintaining a bit more space, only occasionally bumping in to each other. There were signs reminding people to wash their hands and we had alcohol gel with us.

Got incredibly lost in Glasgow trying to drop K off at her hotel as she had an appointment early morning. Ended up taking a trip through the Clyde Tunnel, TWICE! When we didn't need to go that way.

Following some further reading and discussions and thinking, even if public gatherings haven't been cancelled by our next gig in a couple of weeks, we'll probably give it a miss.

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