Routin Lynn

We had a busy day starting with a drive north of Wooler to do the 7 mile round we’d planned with Val and Ray. It was a lovely walk with stunning views over to the snowy Cheviots without much effort involved. We found the waterfall we were looking for and an old earthworks with some Stone Age cup and ring marks. Nobody knows the significance of these circles on rocks all over the north east but there are over 1000
in Northumberland. As we’d spent too long route-finding we hadn’t got time for the circular walk and decided it would be quicker to go back the way we’d come. It was 7 miles according to V’s Fitbit and my phone.

After dropping Val and Ray off at their house we picked up our already prepared bags and made a dash for Whitley Bay where we picked up the boys from after school club. They wanted to play in the park which was fine for them dashing about but we got cold with the easterly coming off the sea. (It was 4 degrees). Eventually we persuaded them to go with us to Patrinis where we got them the best fish and chips in the northeast.

By then my arthritic foot was complaining too much so instead of walking back to his house with Thomas for our “conversation” which we both enjoy, we went in the car with Mr C and James.

#2 daughter had cooked us a delicious Vietnamese meal which was very healthy - full of tasty veg and minimal carbs or fat. We had a good evening of catching up.

but we spent too long figuring out the route

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