
By KatesGardenPDX

A Gloomy Day...

....on so many levels, but I find that it makes me very anxious to dwell on the enormity of our local, national and global situation. Several conversations today with friends made me realize that there's so much fear, so much lack of control, and worry about family and friends and especially older parents (in my case). And it's a gray, cold, drizzly day to boot.

I got a lovely message from a professional in my life today. Among her very sage advice, this bit really resonated with me:

"Spend time outside and soak up the sights and sounds of spring. Exercise, fresh air and Vitamin D greatly reduce stress and improve our mood."

I know that spring has not arrived in many areas of the US, nor in other countries. And those of us in the US are just at the beginning of this difficult viral journey. But for me, the best distraction is being outside, and especially capturing images of the changes that nature is bringing us at this time of year.

So my promise is to bring you an image every day that I hope will provide at least a moment of distraction, as you imagine being drawn into my garden as it emerges into this luscious western Oregon spring.

Today's blip is another ranunculus just about to open! Yes, in the rain...a drippy blip :-)

Stay safe and be well.

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