Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


JR's non stop action morning - two fitness sessions, followed by walking (half an hour) to the Commie Pool for an hour's Pilates, then walking back! Phew.

It was a nice day, so I decided to skip the gym and take Archie to the beach. It was sunny, but very very bracing. About 5°, I think. But what a hassle getting there! I went a different way to avoid the road works nearby, but no, there was an even bigger road works, with four way traffic lights and a loooong wait further on. I'd hate to have to commute that road every day. 

I bought a muffin for Arch right away, but he's so addicted to them, that he'll trot by my side and not go gamboling off much. In fact, he kept nudging my leg as we walked along.

Suddenly the promenade was mobbed with children and adults. The kids seemed to be having races, with parents cheering them on and filming the event. But I had a lovely flat white at the caravan, and at £2.20 it's the best value coffee anywhere.

On the way home, at the last lap, Archie was sick. Very sick. Twice. He hasn’t been sick in the car for quite a while. 

Just listening to Channel 4's programme on Coronavirus and explaining 'herd immunity'. The world 'experts' can’t agree on what's the best way to deal with it, in fact the 'expert' in America keeps throwing up his hands in horror at what the 'expert' in the UK is saying. But I do hope our experts have got it right.

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