Bird on a Roof

As Coronavirus tightens its grip on our lives and the measures necessary to #flattenthecurve start to mount up I suspect there will be a lot more indoor blips in the days ahead. I seem to have got a milder version of L's cough - no fever, and plenty of mucus so I assume it is just a cold but it is still a bit of a drag. And better to stay in while there is no urgent reason to go out. I'd probably need to wear a tee-shirt with "It's an old cough with lots of mucus" to avoid getting dirty looks. Today professional football across the UK got postponed - indefinitely in Scotland and until early April in England/Wales when they will reassess the situation. The planned trip to Wales this weekend to stay with S & G and go to see Leeds play at Cardiff would therefore have been missing its primary purpose if I hadn't called it off myself a few days ago anyway. What will they do with the leagues? Start again where they are when things have calmed down but who knows when that might that be? Certainly not a couple of weeks, but if they are talking of a virus peak in the UK of May or June, will that not wipe out the season? People online seem to be saying there would be a legal challenge to taking the current standings as the final positions. Clearly from a personal point of view that would be fine, with both my Uniteds top of their respective leagues, but who knows. When it comes down to it, it's just football and there are plenty more important things to worry about.

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