SDS Conference

Working at the SDS National Voice conference in Stirling today. SDS is Self Directed Support - putting people in charge of their own social care budgets instead of just receiving the services supplied by the council. It sounds great in theory but from what I heard through the day the practise doesn't always match the aspiration. It seems to be another example of the problems caused by different levels of government being responsible for the provision of different services without always having the resources to match. In this case the Scottish Government creates the legislation but it is local councils that have to deliver it. In the current climate of 'austerity' (aka transfer of resources to the 1%) this creates problems when national policies aren't fully funded, leaving local government with less and less money to spend on local priorities. Not surprising therefore that newly legislated programmes aren't always consistently implemented, especially when doing so costs more money. Anyway, this picture was taken in one of the workshops - showcasing a game that has been developed in South Lanarkshire to help engage with young people and those living with learning disabilities and their carers. It looked like a great idea, and an example of 'best practise' that I'm sure other areas, both geographically and functionally, could copy and use.
Heading back another example of the poor service being provided by Scotrail/Abellio aka Dutch National Railways (why are other countries national railways allowed to run our privatised rail services instead of leaving them in state control?) Anyway trains on the Stirling line had been cancelled for much of the day, including the next two due to depart when I arrived at the station. Apparently they introduced a lot of new electric trains without training sufficient staff on the new rolling stock. In the past such rolling stock would have been introduced one train at a time, allowing for gradual training to take place. Was the rapid introduction of new trains the product of the market in rolling stock whereby Scotrail had a deal with another company to sell the old stock on a specific date and either through delay or incompetence the new stock didn't arrive in time for a phased implementation? Whatever the reason I ended up on a replacement bus to Falkirk to catch a connecting train.    

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