
By TBay


Today has been a day of many facets. 

Mr T Bay started off his day with a meeting with a local paper wanting to know more about Rural Plus, the talk to YFC Members all about mental health issues. It is closely  aligned to FCN for whom James is also a volunteer. 

I headed for the shops to buy loo rolls  ingredients for my second big cake project! I have now done the big fruit cake and have iced it so now its just the huge sponge cake to do! This is all for the 80th Dinner Dance for out local Young Farmers Club. The menu choices as in todays picture!

This afternoon we returned to the more sobering subject of the funeral for Mr H. We had a lovely lady from our local independent Undertakers visit us to sort out the basic funeral. It was hatred for the girls and Mum but afterwards they felt a bit better that things are moving on. 

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